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By Stephanie Haywood
Receiving the diagnosis of a chronic illness such as kidney disease can be completely devastating. This marks the beginning of a journey that requires informed decision-making, lifestyle adjustments, and proactive management. Chris Goodbaudy Insurance knows that equipping yourself with knowledge, guidance, and the right resources will help you navigate the challenges that come with this diagnosis and maintain a good quality of life with kidney disease.
Consider Moving into a Healthier Home
If your home is exacerbating your symptoms, consider moving into a space that better supports your well-being. For example, living in a home with better air quality, fewer environmental toxins, and calming surroundings will make it easier to maintain your health and cope with the symptoms of kidney disease. If you decide to move, follow a step-by-step home-buying checklist. From determining your home affordability to finding a real estate agent, this checklist will help you stay organized and minimize stress as you navigate the process.
Organize Your Own Medical Documents
Organizing and storing your own medical documents can help you feel a greater sense of control over your condition, especially when interacting with the healthcare system. Take the time to digitize your medical documents so you can store everything together in one easily-accessible location. This will also make it easy to share files with specialists or caregivers when needed. Keep in mind that PDFs are the preferred file format for sharing, so you’ll want to utilize this PDF file converter to convert other document types to PDFs.
Educate Yourself
The more you know about your condition, the better you’ll be able to manage it. Fortunately, there are countless resources out there that can help you learn more about kidney disease, the types of symptoms you can expect, your treatment options, and how to best manage the condition. For example, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is an excellent educational resource. The National Kidney Foundation also has a lot of great information and visual guides to help you learn more about kidney health and kidney disease treatment.
Consult a Specialist
Kidney doctors, or nephrologists, treat people with a variety of kidney conditions, including acute kidney diseases and chronic kidney disease. According to Verywell Health, talking to a specialist as early as possible is vital to managing your disease and preventing complications. Talk to your primary care doctor about being referred to a specialist, even if you have mild or no symptoms when you receive your diagnosis.
Adopt a Kidney-Friendly Diet
Adopting a kidney-friendly diet can play a crucial role in slowing the damage to your kidneys and helping you feel your best. Ask your doctor to refer you to a dietician who has experience with kidney disease management. Your dietician will help you come up with an eating plan that supports your kidneys and includes foods you enjoy. Because kidney-friendly diets aim to prevent certain minerals from building up in the body, many diets that are healthy for others may not be safe for those with kidney disease. Talking to a specialist is essential.
Create a Varied Exercise Plan
Regular exercise promotes the health of every bodily system, including your kidneys. Beyond reducing the risk of kidney disease, exercise can also help with kidney disease symptom management by combating joint pain, fatigue, and muscle weakness. Create an exercise plan that combines aerobic exercise, resistance training, flexibility exercises, and balance exercises for well-rounded fitness. Just be sure to talk to your doctor before starting a new exercise program to ensure your chosen exercises are right for you.
Being diagnosed with kidney disease is a life-altering event, but it doesn’t have to derail your entire life. By taking steps to manage your condition, such as moving into a healthier home, organizing your medical documents as PDFs, adopting a kidney-friendly diet, and connecting with a kidney specialist, you can improve your quality of life and thrive in the face of your illness!
Receiving the diagnosis of a chronic illness such as kidney disease can be completely devastating. This marks the beginning of a journey that requires informed decision-making, lifestyle adjustments, and proactive management. Chris Goodbaudy Insurance knows that equipping yourself with knowledge, guidance, and the right resources will help you navigate the challenges that come with this diagnosis and maintain a good quality of life with kidney disease.
Consider Moving into a Healthier Home
If your home is exacerbating your symptoms, consider moving into a space that better supports your well-being. For example, living in a home with better air quality, fewer environmental toxins, and calming surroundings will make it easier to maintain your health and cope with the symptoms of kidney disease. If you decide to move, follow a step-by-step home-buying checklist. From determining your home affordability to finding a real estate agent, this checklist will help you stay organized and minimize stress as you navigate the process.
Organize Your Own Medical Documents
Organizing and storing your own medical documents can help you feel a greater sense of control over your condition, especially when interacting with the healthcare system. Take the time to digitize your medical documents so you can store everything together in one easily-accessible location. This will also make it easy to share files with specialists or caregivers when needed. Keep in mind that PDFs are the preferred file format for sharing, so you’ll want to utilize this PDF file converter to convert other document types to PDFs.
Educate Yourself
The more you know about your condition, the better you’ll be able to manage it. Fortunately, there are countless resources out there that can help you learn more about kidney disease, the types of symptoms you can expect, your treatment options, and how to best manage the condition. For example, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is an excellent educational resource. The National Kidney Foundation also has a lot of great information and visual guides to help you learn more about kidney health and kidney disease treatment.
Consult a Specialist
Kidney doctors, or nephrologists, treat people with a variety of kidney conditions, including acute kidney diseases and chronic kidney disease. According to Verywell Health, talking to a specialist as early as possible is vital to managing your disease and preventing complications. Talk to your primary care doctor about being referred to a specialist, even if you have mild or no symptoms when you receive your diagnosis.
Adopt a Kidney-Friendly Diet
Adopting a kidney-friendly diet can play a crucial role in slowing the damage to your kidneys and helping you feel your best. Ask your doctor to refer you to a dietician who has experience with kidney disease management. Your dietician will help you come up with an eating plan that supports your kidneys and includes foods you enjoy. Because kidney-friendly diets aim to prevent certain minerals from building up in the body, many diets that are healthy for others may not be safe for those with kidney disease. Talking to a specialist is essential.
Create a Varied Exercise Plan
Regular exercise promotes the health of every bodily system, including your kidneys. Beyond reducing the risk of kidney disease, exercise can also help with kidney disease symptom management by combating joint pain, fatigue, and muscle weakness. Create an exercise plan that combines aerobic exercise, resistance training, flexibility exercises, and balance exercises for well-rounded fitness. Just be sure to talk to your doctor before starting a new exercise program to ensure your chosen exercises are right for you.
Being diagnosed with kidney disease is a life-altering event, but it doesn’t have to derail your entire life. By taking steps to manage your condition, such as moving into a healthier home, organizing your medical documents as PDFs, adopting a kidney-friendly diet, and connecting with a kidney specialist, you can improve your quality of life and thrive in the face of your illness!